In February 2021, we learned that one of our students Souri needed prayers for her mother. Souri was a former doctor in her country, but was now a Muslim refugee living in a country that was safer for her to practice her faith. A few years prior, Souri’s mother had had a heart attack. She had improved but was now experiencing chest pain, weakness, palpitations, and increased blood pressure. These symptoms had been going on for a while, so Souri asked if we would pray for her mother. As a group, we prayed twice for her in Jesus’s name, and after the second time, her mother was healed. She had no more chest pain or other issues, and as a doctor, Souri confirmed that her mother had been healed. Souri said that her mother now had more energy than Souri had! Since her mother was feeling so well, she canceled her doctor’s appointment and continued to feel strong for several months.
Muslim woman healed from heart problems
Updated: Jan 23, 2024